Mekaku City Actors Episodes 2 & 3

 Kisaragi Attention & Mekakushi Code

One of the most hyped shows of the season continues toward its second (forgive me for being a week late – stuff happened) and third episodes. How were those? I have yet to form a solid opinion on how much I’m enjoying this series, which is being much harder than I thought.

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First Impressions: Mekaku City Actors

Artificial Enemy

Mekaku 01

Being one of the most hyped up shows for this Spring season, both by its preexisting fanbase and by Aniplex’s masterful (regardless of how annoying it is) minimalistic marketing, it’s almost unsurprising to see how divisive the reactions to the first episode were. The reasons are a little less easy to pinpoint, though, but a big part of it is perhaps how SHAFT didn’t bother at all with making this accessible for newcomers.

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