Shin Sekai Yori Episode 9

The Gale Game

Shin Sekai Yori is getting creepy again…in so many awesome ways! It’s been a little while since Saki and the others have heard from Shun, so they go searching for his relatives and friends. It turns out that they’re all missing, and Saki’s parents warn her not to get involved…or rather, to accept that one’s friends suddenly disappearing is a normal side of life. Then Maria brings some startling news to her in the  middle of the night–that she discovered their teacher, among other adults, releasing these giant creatures in the inner yard of the school. What a pity, they say. Shun must be stopped before he turns into a full Karma demon…

Although this isn’t too surprising based off of last week’s episode, it’s still a great plot twist. Those scary stories they read as younger children weren’t meant to just brainwash them, they actually come true in some sorta way. To what extent would Shun become a demon, I wonder? How is Saki going to take care of this all by herself? I don’t see any point of return this time. And for the first time, Saki remembers bits and pieces of her big sister. Now I want a full flashback of what happened to her… Just what kind of person was she?

If you ask me, this is the best episode since their encounter with the False Minoshiro. It’s eerie and imaginative in it’s own special way, reminding me ever so often of The Twilight Zone show from the 1960s. I especially love the creature’s designs. However, I’d actually like to see the private lives of Saki’s friends for once. It feels somewhat unbalanced when Saki gets fleshed out, yet all her friends depend on their interactions at school or in extreme situations to learn about them. Or perhaps the point is to keep them shrouded in mystery… It works well for Shun, at least. Still deeply curious about Maria…

K Episode 8


Ah yes, now we’re finally getting to the point: The Silver King! So the Blue King has noticed irregular flying patterns of his blimp over the past few weeks. When Yashiro tells him that he had been framed and that the Silver King is most likely involved in the murder, the Blue King hardly hesitates to go after the big guy himself. They chase him down with helicopters, and in the next instant, he blows up his own blimp. *blink blink* This just keeps making more perfect sense, doesn’t it? And who knew that the bishie swordsman could fly a helicopter? Why he’s just full of surprises.

I haven’t talked much about the Blue King and Seri, but I really do fancy them as a couple (as I do Yashiro and bishie swordsman). The silence, blushing, and that purple alien dessert speak volumes about their relationship.

At this point, I’m still eager to know more about Yashiro before he got kicked off the blimp and what the heck the Silver King is doing. I also want more Red King action. Looks like we’re finally getting that in the next episode, plus some new characters. OooOOooo.

Posted in K.