Review: Isshuukan Friends

This is the last post which will be made on Meepinganime. It’s kind of sad, isn’t it? From here on out, we’re renaming ourselves to something totally different, and hoping to deliver a whole new experience. Any issues with domains and redirect loops are going to occur within the first few days, but if you get an error, please let one of us know at dot com. It’s been a fun few years, and we’ll all be on the other side!

One Week Friends


AlexI find that whenever I look for a drama, regardless of what shape and form it may be in, it’s littered with melodrama and unrealistic characters and situations. It’s not played out the way normal people play out their lives, and it’s often got something to ruin it. I had heard amazing things about the source material to this show, but when it revealed that it’s got a amnesiac trope as it’s main part, I was pretty concerned. Thankfully, those concerns were for nothing, as this is quite possibly the most realistic portrait of amnesia in anime that i’ve seen, and how people around you adapt and cope with it.

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Isshuukan Friends Episode 12 [Final]

Will you be my Friend?


AlexIs it ever okay to leave things as they are, burying and hiding from any chance of further upset? Everyone in Isshuukan Friends is hiding something, and when the snow falls in the winter, will anything actually get resolved? I mean, if this was a visual novel, all the signs are saying that everything’s on path for a Bad End.

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Isshuukan Friends Episode 11

Important Friends


AlexWinter’s my favorite season. The weather becomes colder, and the warmer clothes come out. But there’s often a strange sort of magic in the cold weather, and that gets shown in a strange manner this week, what with it being the semi-final episode and all. One impression is left on me at the end of this, and that’s the saying  that a tear is worth one thousand words.

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