Review: Isshuukan Friends

This is the last post which will be made on Meepinganime. It’s kind of sad, isn’t it? From here on out, we’re renaming ourselves to something totally different, and hoping to deliver a whole new experience. Any issues with domains and redirect loops are going to occur within the first few days, but if you get an error, please let one of us know at dot com. It’s been a fun few years, and we’ll all be on the other side!

One Week Friends


AlexI find that whenever I look for a drama, regardless of what shape and form it may be in, it’s littered with melodrama and unrealistic characters and situations. It’s not played out the way normal people play out their lives, and it’s often got something to ruin it. I had heard amazing things about the source material to this show, but when it revealed that it’s got a amnesiac trope as it’s main part, I was pretty concerned. Thankfully, those concerns were for nothing, as this is quite possibly the most realistic portrait of amnesia in anime that i’ve seen, and how people around you adapt and cope with it.

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Movie: Persona 3 The Movie: Chapter 1, Spring of Birth

Persona 3 The Movie – Part 1


AlexAtlus is forming a trend of turning quality games and stories into anime, but oddly enough, Persona 4 went before 3. Instead, a year or two later, Persona 3 gets 3 movie adaptations, and this is the first of them, which is essentially a love song to the 7 year old story.

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Review: Date A Live

Date A Live

Long time no see, dear readers, if anyone remembers who I am or how I usually write. If not, hello there, I’m bringing you a random review and I hope to be back to covering weekly shows starting this Spring.

This show isn’t really a show I would normally review, but since there was something I decided to watch and actually got positively surprised with, this is what I’m bringing here this time.

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Movie: Steins;Gate – Fuka Ryouiki no Déjà vu

Steins;Gate – The Burdened Domain of Déjà vu


AlexDeja Vu, the name of the film, is an anomaly caused by the overlapping of short term memory and long term memory, or in other words, a phenomenon created by a temporal discrepancy of memories.  It’s something which was touched upon in the OVA, and how memories of world lines past visited were in people who shouldn’t have them. However, isn’t this movie just White Fox trying to milk an incredibly popular and well selling franchise some more? After all, there’s no loose ends left, and aside from getting a few extra episodes out of the scenes and routes which it didn’t touch upon, the original story is completed. Going into a movie with this mindset, I was pretty much expecting something terrible.

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Review: Uchouten Kazoku

The Eccentric Family


AlexThis series summed itself up perfectly, so i’ll open with that;
“As long as we’re all living, as long as we’re all having fun, that should do it, right? We’re tanuki. If someone were to ask me how tanuki should live their lives, this is how I would answer. The tanuki wriggling about in Kyoto should abandon their ambitions, as all we have to do is to lead a fun and interesting life…and this is mine.”

It’s obviously a show about tanuki (the cute little raccoon dogs of Japanese folklore) and what they get up to in their day to day lives. The series is as  full of cultural references as it is tongue-in-cheek fun , and what with how almost all the characters are tengu or tanuki, the acting really drives home just how wonderful the series is, what with…(gasp) how they actually act like what they’re meant to be! I’ve seen more than enough shows and read more than enough novels about non-humans, and to see them actually being non-human is a really delightful experience.

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